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Ormus Minerals Research Studies on Magnesium Oil

 Magnesium Oil Research

Ormus Minerals -Research Studies on Magnesium Oil -heart conditions

Heart Disease and Hypertention - A study of over 10,000 people in the United States found that 79% were not consuming the US RDA daily intake of Magnesium in their diet. Further, the study showed that 26 percent of the people in the study were taking Magnesium supplements and it was this group of people that demonstrated lower levels of C-Reactive protein. Elevated C-Reactive protein is quickly becoming one of the most powerful predictors of heart disease.
 Source:  US Study, reported in the July 2006 issue of the journal Nutrition Research.

 Intravenous Magnesium

 An analysis of seven major clinical studies shows that intravenous magnesium reduced the risk of death by 55 percent after acute heart attack. These results were published in the prestigious "British Medical Journal" and the widely read journal "Drugs".
 Source:  Teo KK et al., "Effects of intravenous magnesium in suspected acute myocardial infarction: overview of randomized trials." Brit Med J, vol. 303, pp. 1499-1503, 1991.

Ormus Minerals -Research Studies on Magnesium Oil - pain

  Magnesium - Acute Myocardial Infarction

 Source:  Teo KK, Yusuf S, "Role of Magnesium in reducing mortality in acute myocardial infarction. A review of the evidence." Drugs, vol. 46, pp. 347-359, 1993.

 Magnesium -High Blood Pressure & Heart Disease

 In studies of natives from Greenland, the Bantu peoples of southern Africa, Bedouin people of the middle east and Aborigines of Australia, incidences of high blood pressure and heart disease were low due to high levels of Magnesium in their drinking water and food. When these people moved to urban areas and began eating a modern diet, they developed high blood pressure and heart disease as often as those in the industrialized western countries.
 Source:   Altura, B.M., B.T. "Magnesium in Cardiovascular Biology." Scientific American, Science & Medicine, May/June 1995:28-37
 A study of 21 people published in the journal Hypertension in 1989 found that taking 625 milligrams of Magnesium daily significantly reduced blood pressure
 Source:  Montoyama, T., Sano, H., Fukuzaki, H. "Oral Magnesium
supplements in patients with essential hypertension." Hypertension, 1989;13(3):227-32

Ormus Minerals -Research Studies on Magnesium Oil -blood pressure

 Magnesium - Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure - In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 1997, people who took 411 to 548 milligrams of Magnesium daily achieved a reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
 Source:   Itoh, K., Kawasaki, T., Nakamura, M. "The effects of high oral Magnesium supplementation on blood pressure, serum lipids and related variables in apparently healthy Japanese subjects." British Journal of Nutrition, 1997;78(5):737-50.
Borderline Hypertensive - In a study of people who are borderline hypertensive, Drs. Burton and Bella Altura, two of the leading researchers in the field of Magnesium, report that 70 to 80 percent have significantly depressed blood-ionized magnesium levels.
 Source:   Altura, B.M., B.T. "Magnesium in Cardiovascular Biology." Scientific American, Science & Medicine, May/June 1995:28-37
 In a study of 141 patients with strongly symptomatic Mitral Valve Prolapse, 60 percent of the people had low levels of magnesium. This is compared to only a 5% magnesium deficiency for the control group. Magnesium supplementation given for 5 weeks reduced the symptoms of chest pain, palpitation, anxiety, low energy, faintness, and difficulty breathing by 50 percent in this group.
Note: Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) is a disorder where the Mitral Valve of the heart fails to completely close off one of the chambers in the heart during contraction.

 Magnesium - Diabetes

Diabetes - Three of the largest studies ever done on the incidence of disease are the Harvard Nurses Health study of 85,000 women, the Health Professionals Follow-up study of 43,000 men, and the Iowa Women's Health study of 40,000 women. All three studies showed that those people with the highest levels of Magnesium intake had the lowest risk for developing diabetes.

Ormus Minerals -Research Studies on Magnesium Oil - stroke

 Magnesium - Stroke

Stroke - A study of 98 stroke patients admitted to the emergency Room of three hospitals in New York exhibited early and significant Magnesium-ion deficits. The stroke patients also demonstrated a high calcium to Magnesium ratio, which are signs of increased vascular tone and cerebral vessel spasm.
 Source:   Altura BT et al., "Low levels of serum ionized Magnesium are found in patients early after stroke which result in rapid elevation in cytosolic free calcium and spasm in cerebral vascular muscle cells." Neurosci Lett, vol. 230, no. 1, pp. 37-40, 1997.
All deaths due to stroke among Taiwan residents (17,133 cases) from 1989 through 1993 were compared with deaths from other causes (17,133 controls). It was determined that the higher the Magnesium levels in drinking water used by Taiwan residents, the lower the incedence of stroke.
 Source:  Yang CY, "Calcium and Magnesium in drinking water and risk of death from cerebrovascular disease." Stroke, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 411-414, 1998.

 Magnesium - Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome - In a 15 year study of 5,000 young adults, it was found that higher intake of Magnesium through food or supplements led to a lower likelyhood of developing Metabolic Syndrome.
Note: Metabolic Syndrome is characterized as a single person who has several health risk factors at the same time, including abdominal obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetic, etc..
 Source: He K, Liu K, Daviglus ML, Morris SJ, Loria CM, Van Horn L, Jacobs DR, Savage PJ, "Magnesium intake and the incidence of metabolic syndrome among young adults." Circulation, vol. 113, no. 13, pp. 1675-1682, 2006.

 Magnesium - PMS

PMS - Recent studies showed that of 192 women taking 400 mg of Magnesium daily for PMS, 95 percent experienced less breast pain and had less weight gain, 89 percent suffered less nervous tension, and 43 percent had fewer headaches.
 Source:  Goldberg B, Alternative Medicine Guide: Women's Health Secrets Series 1, Future Medicine Publishing, Tiburon, CA, 1998.

Ormus Minerals -Research Magnesium Oil - depression

 Magnesium - Depression

Depression - A study of approximately 500 depressed people by Dr. RH Cox and Dr. CN Shealy found that the majority of the sufferers were magnesium-deficient. The authors of the study advised clinicians that they should consider the distinct possibility of therapeutic benefit fromt he use of Magnesium therapy in chronic depression.
 Source:   Cox RH, Shealy CN, Cady RK, Veehoff D, Burnetti Awell M. Houston R, "Significant Magnesium deficiency in depression." J Neurol Orthop Med Surg, vol 17, pp. 7-9, 1996.

Ormus Minerals -Research Studies on Magnesium Oil - Migraines

 Magnesium - Migraines

Migraines - A group of 3,000 patients given 200 mg of Magnesium daily had an 80 percent reduction in their migraine symptoms.
 Source:  Mauskop A, Fox B, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Migraines, Warner Books, New York,

Ormus Minerals Magnesium Oil

Magnesium mineral.jpg

What do you know about the very important Mineral Magnesium?

  • Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body, a necessary co-factor for hundreds of enzymes, and the most critical mineral of all for coping with stress. 
  • Well science now learned that the best way to take this important nutrient is trandermal and to top that off we have added the ORMUS Minerals and now you have a full spectrum supplement that you just rub onto your skin and see results in your health. 
  • The main difference in Ormus Minerals Magnesium Oiland Pure Magnesium is that the  Ormus Minerals Magnesium Oilhas all the know minerals (84) and all the known Ormus Minerals (12) in it to bring health and healing when you apply it. Where thePure Magnesium Oilhas 12 minerals with the main mineral being Magnesium. 

What Minerals Are In Pure Magnesium Oil?


Known Minerals in
Magnesium Oil (12) total

Magnesium Minerals




Not Detectable

  Magnesium Chloride

31.5 % 



 Sodium Chloride

.42 % 



  Potassium Chloride

.32 %



  Calcium  71.1  Cadmium


  Iron  05.14  Chromium


  Manganese  01.01  Cobalt


  Antimony  00.224  Lead


  Barium  00.209  Nickel


  Copper  00.1    Silver


  Molybdenum  00.161  Thallium


  Selenium  008.06  Vanadium


  Zinc  00.206   Mercury







Learn more in this 6 page PDF file on Magnesium Oil and your health. 


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Magnesium Oil
Ormus Minerals
PURE Magnesium Oil Dew
not diluted with water

Magnesium Oil

Pure Magnesium Oil Dew

Ormus Minerals --Magnesium Oil DEW benefit cellular energy





2 Oounces



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Areas Helped with Magnesium Oil




(Human & Pet)

Achilles Tendon pain


Abrasions -- Pets

Braxton Hicks



Bronchial Spasms

Blood Pressure (lower)



Cholesterol lower


Exercise pain


Dry skin

Growing Pains

Diabetes II



Energy increased


Heart Palpitations

Eyelids - drooping

Hair & nails

Leg Cramps

Hyper Activity

Hygiene - used as deodorant

Menstrual issues


Large pores



Moles & Warts

Muscle cramps



Muscle repair








Skin Irritations


Swollen Eyes

Skin Tabs

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Teeth – whiter & less translucent

Spider Veins

Smashed Fingers



Sore Muscles



Tooth Infection


Magnesium for Muscle Spasms

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Regardless of how our products may be used in other countries, or anything that you may have heard or read about Ormus Minerals or Ormus products, under FDA law in the United States it is illegal for a manufacturer to make any medical claims for health supplements. None of the products offered for sale on our website or direct to retail consumers are intended to be used in the treatment or mitigation of any disease state. All statements made by Ormus Minerals or on the Ormus website are intended for informational purposes only. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA, and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Health decisions are much too important to be made without the advice of a health care practitioner. As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your health care practitioner prior to using any health supplement product.